Rupert Murdoch Skating on Thin Ice
Today the shareholders of News Corp will be pursuing Rupert Murdoch's allegation of "nepotism".
Nepotism is defined as the act whereby family relationships are favourable on the basis of business or politics regardless of what background and qualifications they obtain.
This seems to have put Murdoch into very icey waters. It all began when Murdoch had bought his daughter Elizabeths's TV production company Shine for over £400m.
There has been filed complaints from both shareholders of News Corp The Amalgamated Bank of New York and Centeral Laborers Pension Fund.
It is noted Murdoch is seen to treat the business "like a wholley- owned family candy store" (iPaper,2011).
It seems that this could indeed bring the family one step closer for the family to become the successors of the New Corp as Murdoch is constantly engaging in transactions to benefit the family members reflecting on nepotism .
House Prices making Homes Happier
As we know the housing marking is always up and down. The recession has mounted a lot of speculation in how the housing market is performing. The National Institute for Economic and Social Research (NIESR) are suggesting house prices could tumble by up to 20%. It's also suggested that it could be another 2 years till the economy is expected to return to the pre-recession state.
Arcadia Apparel turning to British Labouring
Sir Philip Green the billionaire retailer is in motion of shifting manufacturing clothes in the UK, insted of importing clothes from aboard. According to Sir Philip the closer the production to home the better, especially in the economic climate we are facing. This will created more jobs, which will hopefully do wonders for the unemployment rate in some places and also help bring new opportunities.
Teen sensation Rebecca "robotic" Black
There is a lot of controversy about this teen star, her robotic song has shot up on the iTunes download chart. Black's song is heard is "monotonous", but with over 17million views on YouTube within one month who can complain. Check out the video on the below to decide what you think about the teen.
Ninetendo Hits History
The new Nintendo 3DS, promotes a glasses-free 3D game console, which has made it become the fastest and most sought after games console in history. The official release is at the end of this month, most are thought to be snapped up just 8 days before the release, conjuring volumes of sales. It is noted that 185,000 units of the new Nintendo 3DS will be shipped to the UK with 100,000 of them being pre-ordered.
WikiLeaks Weakening Indian Government?
Really, these stories are becoming more and more hard to digest. It was seen that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh should resign over a WikiLeaks report suggesting that his party had paid bribes to win a conference vote back in 2008. These old allegations are in the past, government will not be affected regarding stability.
Health Woes
Yet again the obesity crisis is highlighted, but what will we do. It is a known fact that we are becoming fatter, it was not long ago that the average size of a lady was 10 now the average of 14/16. Why is it that we complain about how we look. Well as the old saying is "actions speak louder than words" , we should take this opportunity to shut the mouths of these critics and do something about it. On a positive note we are living longer,but that is not an excuse to keep eating the filth we do. I think it is about time people took their own responsibilities for themselves and family to try and bring the obesity crisis down a level.
Acceleration in Auto mobiles
111,983 cars were produced in February, which showed an increase of 15.1% in the year. According to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Paul Everitt mentions that next weeks budget will be crucial with the increasing concern on investing in skills, research and development and capital and equipment which are needed to lead to growth.
Moon Closer to Home
Tomorrow night (Saturday) will see the moon being more closer to the earth. Some of us, the more superstitious ones believe that it may bring a trial of disaster. Which association to disasters I think we've seen more than enough this past week, not sure it could get any worse. It is known as the lunar perigee or the "supermoon", back in 1992 it was close, scientists are estimating that the moon this year will be just 221,567 miles away. Scientists are also adamant to put their view across that the gravitational pull may bring chaos. What will the public believe, lets decide tomorrow when we see this "supermoon".
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